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Fashion Academy

Developing your fashion needs not the world's wants.

Melinda Watson

Professional Viewpoint

Wardrobe & Image Consultants


Melinda is certified by Fashion Academy, a world leader and pioneer in the image industry for more than 30 years.  She is a professional fashion and costume designer having worked with such organizations as Caesar's Palace, the Aladdin Casino, the Imperial Palace and Legends in Concert.  She studied at the University of Texas and graduated with a B. S. degree in Fashion Merchandising with emphasis in fashion design and clothing construction.  Her background includes over twenty-five years in the health/beauty and fashion industries.

Before        After

BEFORE                        AFTER

Our Services Include:

Contact Information:

PO Box 1942
Clearwater FL 33757
Phone: 727-443-6907
Melinda's cell: 727-560-6997
FAX: 727-213-6750
Email: proviewpoint@tampabay.rr.com